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Evening Prayer and Installation of Officers
Monday, September 24, 2012
Woodside United Methodist Church
Silver Spring, Maryland
Those members that were willing to sing in the choir met at 6:30 in the chancel.
We began with Peter Crisafulli rehearsing the men in his Phos Hilaron.
Then the Handbells rehearsed their part with the organ.
After everyone had finished rehearsing, we began the service at 7:30. This service was modeled after An Order for Evening Praise and Prayer, found in the United Methodist Book of Worship from 1992.
Clarice Jane Snyder, Dean of the Potomac Chapter, played the Grave: Adagio from Organ Sonata No. 2 in C Minor by Felix Mendelssohn as the prelude.
The Reverend Rachel Cornwell, Pastor of the Silver Spring United Methodist Cooperative Parish, which includes Marvin and Woodside churches, gave the Welcome and led us in the Proclamation of the Light.
During the singing of Peter Crisafulli's Phos Hilaron, Gerald Piercey served as Crucifer to bring in the Cross.
Then as Cantor Dr. Nae Pearson led in the singing of the Service of Incense, Julie Vidrick Evans served as Thurifer, incensing the sanctuary.
Deborah Kijack Hess read the Prayer of Thanksgiving, which was followed by the opening hymn, When Words Alone Cannot Express, to the tune Lasst Uns Erfreuen. Emily Koons played the organ for the service music.
This is the ladies of the choir singing the hymn.
Then David McCahan read the scripture lessons,
2 Chronicles 5:11-12 and Acts 2:43-45, from The Message
Then our Chaplain, The Reverend Dr. Cheryl Tathum, delivered the message
"Wouldn't it be loverly?"
Cheryl began by playing "Harmony", performed by Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke, from her cell phone into the microphone, demonstrating the use of technology in worship.
Cheryl delivered her sermon from the side of the pulpit, since she was basically
"preaching to the choir".
Our hymn of response was Help Us Accept Each Other to the tune Acceptance.
Then Miriam Meglan, AGO Convenor for the District of Columbia and Maryland, performed the Installation Ceremony.
The officers installed were
Dean Clarice Jane Snyder
Sub Dean Emily Koons, SPC, CAGO
Secretary David McCahan
Treasurer David Haykin, Jr.
Registrar Judith A. Daffer, CAGO
Chaplain The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Tatham
Class of 2013
Robert Jones
Kenneth Lowenberg, AAGO, FAGO
Class of 2014
Becky Lee, SPC
Mary Ann Willow
Class of 2015
Debora Kijak Hess, SPC
Brenda Weiser, SPC, CAGO
Heel and Toe Editor Gerald Piercey
Then Ken Lowenberg led us in the singing of his anthem "Prayer for Guidance".
Cantor Dr. Nae Pearson then led us in the Prayers of the People, using "Hear My Prayer" by Jacques Berthier, followed by The Lord's Prayer.
Our closing hymn was Go, My Children, to the tune Ar Hyd Y Nos. Following the Benediction, Clarice Jane Snyder played the Allegro maestoso e vivace and Fuga: Allegro moderato from Mendelssohn's Sonata No. 2 as the postlude.
Then we adjourned to the vestibule for refreshments. As it was Julie Evan's birthday and several other members had birthdays in September, we sang "Happy Birthday" before the cake was cut and served.
There were four tables of food and drink, a delightful assortment of goodies, sweet and savory.
This was one of the best installation services I have ever experienced, and one of the best attended. Our thanks to host Mary Ann Willow, who organized the event!